A click of the mouse and you can share your inner most feelings with the entire world. Welcome to the 21st century, huh?
I’ve tried writing a diary, online and off, but the things is, I never know quite where to start. Life keeps moving, there’s no lull, no momentous occasion to say, “Ok, no events or people are blending in from the past, this seems like a wonderful place to interject the start of life!”
The thing is, unless you start a blog the moment you pop out of your mother’s uterus, you’re never going to get that definitive beginning.
So I figured, when’s a better time to start than my 17th Birthday?
July 1, 1994, I came pink and wriggling into this world. Pretty exciting, right?
Actually, not really. Seventeen to me is kinda... well lame. Your 'sweet sixteen' phase is over, and you can't vote or drink in Alberta yet.
Nothing happens when you turn 17. So I've decided to make things happen. Seventeen for me is going to be a great year. It's actually my senior year in high school, and apparently everything goes to crap once you graduate. So I might as well make the best of it. (I know things don't really go downhill, but I might as well have a great last year.)
I plan on writing about my life, my fashion, my dinner, and my whatever I want to to record for posterity. I'll start with the first day of this wonderful adventure... my birthday! I'm a couple days behind, but that's just because I've been recovering from this past weekend. Yeah, that's a good excuse. Anyways, here it is. Even though 17 isn't all that awesome, the day I turned it sure was.
Happy 4th of July to you Americans, and Happy Belated Canada Day to you Canadians!
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