I've been a bit behind, but I've been busy, so I'll play a little catch up. Friday was shopping! I got staples not statements, but when I said this to Steven he looked at me blankly. I know bloggers will understand that statement ;)
Saturday I became a certified in Emergency First Aid & CPR. Hopefully I'll never have to use it, and to be honest, it'd be quite scary to actually do CPR... if you're doing it correctly, you crack ribs. Ouch.
But these photos are from Sunday, when we went to go see Maria in the Shower at Lionel Park in PoCo. It was really chill, and we love that band. We first saw them on my birthday, which I blogged about in this post!
Afterwards it was one of my friends Surprise Going Away Parties, as she's going away to UBCO to study to become a nurse. I didn't take any photos because I was too busy enjoying myself. There was volleyball and cake and sunshine and stars and it was one of the perfect ways to end the summer. Which is rapidly coming to a close. This is the last full week of summer vacation! I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back, but I like enforced routine. Makes me feel like I'm being productive. Doing nothing all day has lost its charm. Gasp! Is this what growing up feels like?
My first semester is English Lit, Spare (yes!), Biology, and then Law. A good mix if you ask me! I do believe I'll get around to maybe doing a haul post or something later. I need to go thrifting to make up for the Value Village trip I missed. (I slept in. Boo.)
Anyways, have a Magical Monday!