I think it's funny how some things can seem so awful in the moment, but over time, our memories soften the experiences. This wasn't the best trip to Cascade Falls. It involved 3 hours of bumpy roads in a little car not built for the mountains. The worst part though is that we didn't even have to go up the mountain. I went on this a day trip with Steven and his parents a couple weekends back before school started, but haven't gotten around to posting these yet.
(The world decided to put a spotlight on Steven?) |
Going through these photos, I realized how very green they all were! (Green is Steven's favourite colour incidentally.) These pictures made me realize how lucky I am to be living in British Columbia, constantly surrounded by lush forests. Us and New Zealand, we share a very rare, very beautiful climate. Sure, it may be a little rainy, (Ok, alot rainy.) but living in Canada, we have real seasons. It's hot in the summer, cool and crisp in the fall, snowy in the winter, and it of course rains in the spring. Maybe more than usual for everybody else, but it's what helps keep us so green!
(He put a rock on it. My mom didn't think it was as funny as I did when I showed her the rock.) |
(He got mad at me because I ruined a good picture. I laughed.) |
I've been kind of struggling in what I want this blog to be. I've been going through a bit of a rough patch, and I'm not sure if I truly want to chronicle ALL of my 17. Maybe just the good parts? Hm. Not sure if I want to broadcast my innermost feelings on the WWW! My boyfriend, (although my bestfriends do) doesn't even know the address of this blog. He knows it exists though, which drives him crazy. I let him know I'd share it. One day. Maybe.
(A: The lighting was super cool/super weird in this shot. B: I think carving initials is such an old-fashioned, romantic idea. It makes my heart flutter!) |
So. This is it for now...